LMS Integration

Voshi integrates with your leanring management system.

Single Sign-On

Grade Passback

Deep Content Linking


Install at the account level (LTI 1.3)

  • Deeper integration
  • Available to all courses in the account
  • Requires help and permission from the campus admin

Account install help

Install in a single course (LTI 1.1)

  • Good for testing.
  • Instructors can install themselves
    (depends on institutional permissions)
  • Still allows for single sign-on, grade passback, and assignment and content linking.
Course Install Help

Compliance Information

for LMS Admins


  • Our privacy policy
  • FERPA Compliance


  • WCAG 2.0 Compliance
  • Download our VPAT


  • Our security policy
  • Download our HECVAT


  • Our intellectual property policy

Supported LMS

Account Level Setup (LTI 1.3 Instructions)

Canvas LTI 1.3 Installation
A Canvas account admin can install the Voshi LTI 1.3 app with a dynamic registration URL.

1. As an admin, login to Canvas navigate to account administration interface, and then to the Developer Keys page.
2. Click the + Developer Key button and select + LTI Registration.

3. Enter the following dynamic registration URL and then click Continue: https://voshi.com/lti/canvas/registration

4. Login to your Voshi account admin URL. (Please contact support@voshi.com if you do not have an account).

5. Review the default, recommended settings and placements. Click Enable and Close.

Canvas LTI 1.1 Installation

Have Any More Questions?
Contact an integration specialist at

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